Not really anything too exciting about the monkey. It wasn't very nice to us. It was in a cage at an investigator’s house who we have been teaching but it just kinda sat around and stared at us. It tried to grab us a couple of times but he was just a little weird monkey. So that's my newest addition to things I've seen here.
As for the work out here, it's great. We have lots of places to go every day so it's keeping us really busy. We have 5 different areas that we go to which we switch off every day and have some investigators that are progressing in each area. We were happy to able to have 5 of our investigators go to church!
We were really working on getting these 3 girls from our farthest area to get to church. Sister Dae shin (13), Sister Mhaye (16) and Sister Jhesamin (14). They are all interested so we talked to one of our member friends who has a tricee and so he could pick them up. Turns out he is related to Dae Shin (but a pretty far relation). I was so happy to see Dae Shin finally come. She's been wanting to come since May but has always had something she had to do. We also visited her this last Wednesday on June 21st to wish here a happy birthday. She seems happy and I'm happy with the result.
Her cousin Mhaye is progressing more than I thought she would at first glance, but she is really smart. She actually reads all the lessons that we give her and she actually highlights them too! So hey now her pamphlets are colorful but she is doing very well with reading and praying. It was great to see her at church too.
A couple of other good things happened to me. We visited one of our investigators one day and they gave me a little watermelon. I don't know why but it made me pretty happy. With another group of families (the Delos Santosfamily and Pedronan) they always feed us every time we are over. I'm usually not a fan of fish, but the fish they feed us is good. We've gotten close to them.
On a more spiritual side of the work, it's really interesting to see sometimes how unaware I am of feeling the Spirit in my life as a missionary. Sometimes it just hits me and makes me feel really happy. I know I should be more aware but sometimes I forget the most important factor in what I do.
This week reminded me when I was reading in Alma about Lamoni and Ammon. It was basically about missionary work and it just made me happy. I also read in True to the Faith about prayer, and it says after we finish praying we should wait for a little and just listen. That makes a difference and I am grateful for prayer.
In the lessons too with one man who was asking a lot of questions, we all knew what we needed to say to answer his questions. I am thankful for the Spirit helping me remember what I studied.
With another investigator (Jolina), we've taught the lesson of the Restoration to her a couple of times, and I have felt the Spirit so strong. I hope she did too, but I know it's her choice to bring the Spirit in.
As missionaries we can only bring the message unto their heart, not into. It's up to them to accept it. I hope she does. She is a little shy but she's smart. We'll just have to see how it goes!
Every day I come home and I feel exhausted, but it's a good feeling to me because I feel physically and spiritually drained, which means I am doing my job.
Elder Yranon and I are blessed with a really nice area, and we're working on doing our best every day! Things are going well! Hope it stays that way! Love you all!
Elder Espiritu
**you can email Elder Espiritu at
Working in Mabnang
Partying with Dae Shin and Mhaye on Dae Shins birthday
Got them mini melons and machetes
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