To me this week didn't feel like summer at all due to heavy rain every day, but hey we got a lot of work done, rain or shine. It's been quite a fun experience so far helping a new missionary learn the joys of missionary work, and so far my anak (child) or trainee Elder Yranon, is doing well.
He still is definitely learning the ropes of mission life but he's doing really well. It's been helping me do well too as a missionary to improve my own teaching skills and desire to study! We are doing pretty well with no major problems! District leader isn't bad too. I'm learning how to teach better on different subjects and relying on the Lord to help me know what to teach to the district every Thursday. It's a challenge, but I have a good district to help me out.
So our week consisted of going back to the investigators that we felt have been progressing the most, so we weren't able to find new investigators. We felt like there were a lot this week that are gaining a desire to learn. They still come in all types of personalities.
We had 2 investigators come to church, Sister Marryann and Imnah Joy. I am still amazed at how they come to church even though they're very quiet and shy. It takes a lot to get them to say yes or no so I admire their desire. Imnah Joy has been reading every pamphlet that we've given her and we saw that she wrote down her prayer to try to memorize. We tried to get her to pray but she's still shy. One day we will get her out of her shell. (on a side note I did get to hang out with a sea turtle again)
There is another 12 year old that we have started teaching again who surprised us by how smart she is. Her name is Dae Shin Mendoza. She hasn't been taught by the missionaries for 3 months, but when we reviewed all the lessons with her, she remembered a lot. We asked her about where we came from, what is our purpose in this life and where we are going, and she still remembered what the last missionaries taught her.
She believes it's all true and wants to be baptized on June 24th, 3 days after her birthday. We want to accomplish that goal, sadly the problem is she lives far away from the church and her parents are busy managing a little resort. We're doing our best to help her and hopefully we'll see her continue to progress!
On a different note, I would like to say how grateful I am for the Plan of Salvation. Because we had a lot of lessons this week we taught the Plan of Salvation a lot. For those of you who don't know, my sister’s first son passed away five weeks after being born on May 28, 2016. So of course, my nephew Tristan was on my mind a lot this week especially during the lessons about the Plan of Salvation.
I am so thankful to know about this Plan, because even though it's hard and I miss him a ton, I know that he is in a state of peace and rest, waiting for us to embrace him again. I know God’s plan for us is real and I know that Tristan, my Grandpa Eddie (who also passed away over a year ago) my Grandpa Ben (who passed away when I was younger) are all in a state of peace and rest, waiting to see us again and maybe even helping me as guardian angels.
How lucky I am here, to be able to teach this wonderful plan to other families who may have lost someone dear to them too. I know God’s love for us is real and His plan is for us to be as families together forever. That's what our message is here as missionaries to the people of the Philippines: to strengthen families as it has done to mine.
This gospel is so important to me and my family, so I hope you all remember how amazing it can be in your lives too! My companion and I are doing our best to help others understand this great message too! We are doing our best every day! Love you all and I hope you had a great week!
Elder Espiritu
**you can email Elder Espiritu at
Birthday at for CJ at the Delos Santos family (there were more people there promise, I just cropped them out) with a surprise guest
It rained this whole week so we partied in the rain every day